Entomogen Inc. normally charges for identifications and information provided
Charges are based on the estimated time required to fulfill a request, and includes all associated costs
Entomogen Inc. aims to complete requests within 72 hours of receipt of both the sample and full payment, work that requires greater urgency will have a surcharge
Specimens sent for identification should be in good condition (as complete as possible) and properly preserved and packaged - as per Instructions provided on this website
Specimens sent for identification will be retained by Entomogen Inc. unless their return is specifically requested
Entomogen Inc. reserves the right to decline a request
Entomogen Inc. aims to complete testing within 7 days of receipt of both the sample and payment.
Work requiring a greater urgency (e.g.. 48 hr RUSH turnaround time) requires a surcharge of $80.
Specimens sent for identification should be sent in good condition (as complete as possible) and properly packaged.
Any tick samples sent for testing will be identifiedprior to testing, at no additional cost.
Most ticks submitted are black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) which are commonly tested for Lyme disease only.
Entomogen Inc. providesPCR testing services for the detection of Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Disease spirochete), Babesia microti (Babesiosisprotozoan), Anaplasmaphagocytophilum (Anaplasmosis bacteria), Borrelia myamotoi (Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever - TBRF), Powassan virus (Powassan virus disease - POW) and Rickettsia rickettsii (Rock Mountain Spotted Fever - RMSF).
Multipleticks of the same species,from the same animal, willbe pooled together fortesting unless the client requests that they be tested individually (for an additional fee).
Entomogen Inc. reserves the right to decline a request for services.
Submit Tick for Testing